Sharing Memories (Week 13): Junior High Grades 7-8

When we left elementary school, in Edmond, OK., we "graduated" to Junior High School. It was somewhat traumatic in that the close-nit group of kids I had gone all the way through elementary with were joined by 3 other schools. Interestingly it really didn't matter because I was involved in a church group and we tended to do things together at school also. Most of all, I loved the movement of Junior High School. It was a mini High School, we changed classes, had lockers, and could leave if we wanted between 3 period and 4th for lunch. The High School mascot was the Bulldogs and that was true for the JR High also. We even had school colors the same, gray and maroon. Did I say that choosing the courses I wanted to take,and freedom were several reasons I loved this age. I could not tell you who my instructors were, but they were okay. I did well in my classes. Not all A's, but then not all C's. I have some of my report cards...