Raspberry Sundays ~ Be the Bridge

When I first began my genealogy blog Branching Out Through The Years , my purpose was to preserve the memories of my husband known on the blog as "The Hero"for our grandchildren. He really wanted to know them and wanted them to know him. His choice was taken from him by cancer. The Hero and I with oldest daughter's first son. After that, I decided to write the stories of my associations with my relatives, aunts, uncles, grandparents for my children and grandchildren because for the most part they never met or really knew any of them. This grew to posts about ancestors I wanted to know about and sharing findings with those who were also interested. When I started on my mother-in-law's family, it was very exciting for her. She shared her personal stories. Many times I sat on the floor at her feet and wrote down as she told me. My sister-in-law also had her write down her personal history so now we have it in her writing. There is som...