Preparing for a Pretty Spring

I have a boat load of subjects to blog about, a 40 acre fire just 2 miles over, my mother-in-law having pneumonia, yep, a boat load. ; ) I will instead blog today about the pleasant time I spent with my granddaughter making a pretty hanging basket. Today we started out with new potting soil. I was able to buy Miracle Grow Potting soil for under 5 dollars...I used it. I had a beautiful black iron hanging basket. The granddaughter loves petunias and the grandson loves how they smell. It was a given, annual petunias with alyssum would fit the bill. Of course when you give a 3 year old a watering can you are never sure how it will turn out. All finished and fertilized and blessed to grow. The splash of red in the background is a groove of Redbud trees. We will let you know how it turns out.