A Grandmother By Necessity Must Be a Political Activist
Below is a letter I wrote to my US Senator John Cornyn. I should have re-read it better, as there are some grammatical errors. I feel I need to speak up and if there are those who have not seen or heard then maybe they will begin to see. As things are unfolding in our country , we must look at true principles taught to us by the Lord and our clerical leaders. The land should be used for the sustenance of the people using it. We should not let the evil designs of men those looking for power, financial gain, etc, at the expense of their fellowmen) go unchecked without speaking out about it and encouraging leaders of the country to think more of their country than their pocket book or power. I pray my voice will be heard and understood, in spite of my weakness with expressing what I know to be true. I will cry out for true principles to be returned to and our country return to Godly truths. U.S. Senator John Cornyn --------------------------------------------------- Your Message: Agr...