Sugar- Sugar, who's got the Sugar

This evening was fun. My youngest son has figured out the root cause of his eczema is yeast. That has sent him off on a no sugar diet. You wouldn't think that was hard, but since donuts, cookies, root beer, and fruit are his mainstay diet...he is reeling from going to the store trying to by yeast and sugar free foods. He wanted me to tell my oldest son who has a similar problem, not to help him, but just to let him know...(I loved the off handed way he advised me) I know this is going to be hard, but I will encourage him and will give up sweets around him so he is not tempted. Not that that wouldn't help me too. Along with the diet will be a parasite and yeast cleanse. They say the stuff that kills yeast is nasty tasting. He has decided that it is in his interest of living a long life to do this. The hope is it all works for him to clear up the skin that peels off his face, feet, neck. Wish you all could have been flies on the wall as we walked by the chocolate milk, the...