CreativeGene Carnival, 122nd Edition "School Humor"

For the CreativeGene Carnival 122nd Edition "School Humor" I can not remember any humor in my school days, but I have a funny related to my daughter in High School. My Hero was member of the Optimist Club. We had gone to a community class on how to involved the school kids in fighting drugs. The Optimist Club sponsored at C.H.I.C.K.E.N. Club who's motto was 'Just Say No'. The name stood for C.H.I.C.K.E.N stands for " C ool H onest I ntelligent C lear-headed K een E nergetic and N ot interested in drugs!" They had a Chicken Costume for a mascot to wear at rallies and activities. It was kept in my office. I was the school nurse, and my oldest daughter was the vice-president of the club in her sophomore year. Her boy friend went to a different high school, 30 minutes away. He was also a senior and had privileges of getting out early, etc.. One afternoon, thirty minute...