Post for My Granddaughters--My Roof Top Visits

When I was a teenager, my grandmothers lived with us off and on. I was at the rebellious age and would feel the need to escape to talk with someone I felt would listen. I was fortunate to not have any friends live near by, so my petitions, and complaints, and joyous feelings were shared with my friend Jesus Christ. I would go to the old walnut tree next to our garage, and climb up on top of the roof. No one ever thought to look for me there. Once I had found a comfortable spot (I am on asphalt shingle right, comfortable?) , I would lean back and contemplate the stars and how small the night sky made me feel. Sometimes I was upset, and would sit and cry and express my feelings to Jesus with great fervor. I talked with him about many things. My pain if I had been disciplined, my sadness if I hurt or felt wronged, my desires for the future...husband, being actively engaged in helping others. He was there for me. I never heard a voice or h...