Taking Time to Renew
I had to go to a 1 hour away town to pick up some frozen fruit I had ordered. Don't think I will do that again, cost more in gas, but the drive today was worth it this time.
The picture at the left is a typical picture of Texas at this time of the year. Grass has gotten out of hand because it was too hot to get outside and mow. There is a haze because there have been small rains putting out just enough moisture to cause condensation....HUMIDITY...in the air.
This morning was nice, not too humid, sunny, temp about 78 degrees, and quiet. I rolled back the sun roof of my old car, let down the windows, put my hair up in a pony tail, turned on my music and turned left down the back roads to make my trip through areas that were much like my picture. There were very few cars. It was so great. I just took it easy, because there weren't any cars to push my speed, and enjoyed the beautiful scenery and the quiet time. When I arrived there were some old friends picking up fruit also, and I got wonderful hugs. It was a helpful time and I am glad I took it.
Here is a link to the Canadian gov. site that has some data bases and cenusus pages.
I hope that helps.