Trying to Balance My Passion of Genealogy and Family

I posted this on a collaborative Genealogy blog , but wanted to have it for my kids too in case the blog should go away. I will share with you the past few months of my life. I worked with the Preserve the War of 1812 Pensions campaign for 3 years. I loved the purpose and the activity of searching the files and finding living descendants. When the funding was accomplished, my activity there was little needed, and I turned to other projects. At the same time, my children decided they and their children needed equal time with me and this is a bit of my journey into creating family history with my grandchildren and as I have written about before, bridging the generations. During the summer, we had our first family reunion. This was important for those who could go because family had not gathered as a unit since my husband, their father, died in 2008. All but two of 6 children could make it. The single son who was working and a daughter who was...