Welcome Grandchild Number 25!

We, meaning the dad, the mom (of course) and I arrived at the hospital Tuesday evening at the suggestion of the Doctor who said the mom was at 5 cm and should have the baby soon. She was 4 days over her due date. At the hospital, they were busy, and a mother not having hard labor, (her contractions were spread apart) was not something they wanted to see, so they sent her to the waiting room to "wait and see". The room was so full, I had to go to the entrance waiting room to wait for word as to whether they would admit her or not. Sigh. After an hour, my son-in-law came down and said there was room, would I come up and wait with them. Sure. Once there, it was about another 30 minutes before they asked them to come back to the Triage room, only room for the mom and dad. That's fine. They waited until about 11 pm. She wasn't making progress so the nurses wanted to send her home. A call to the doctor changed their mind. He said, keep...