A Dream Came True Last Friday

Congratulations to my son and his wife for a job well done. He finished his degree. He graduates with a BS in Mechanical Engineering, and an Associate degree in International Business. There is another Associate degree that is related to Air Plane Engines, but do not know the title. The California sister and her family flew in, the Texas sister and her family drove over. I came and his wife's parents came. Yes, it was a big deal to us. He readily recognized the role of his wife in obtaining the degree and bought her a beautiful necklace as her gift for graduation. It was funny, he had hid the necklace under a tee shirt that was from his college. He had to point out to her, that she had missed a box. She was surprised. We are all so very happy for them. Now, he is job hunting, and they are pursuing their dream of having children through adoption. Check out their website. Their adoption site . The mom is so excited to see their lives moving ahead. YEA...