Sharing Memories Week 8 Winter Time Fun

Winter time was never a time of excitement.  My dad was an above the knee amputee as a result of a winter time logging accident.  Going out for activities in the winter was just not thought of. 

I can remember the winter I wrote about in an earlier post, the snow was so deep that I went out side and made a snow angel.  I can say I don't remember doing that when I was little.  My memories of winter was sitting around the pot bellied stove and cracking nuts, listening to the adults tell stories, which I can't remember now.  Drat! 

That  is not true.  We did do one thing of winter time fun, and that was to make snow ice cream.  I am salivating thinking about it.  I loved to make the snow ice cream.  It was fun and tasted sooooo good!

Fresh Fallen Snow Ice Cream
1 gallon snow
1 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups milk
When it starts to snow, place a large, clean bowl outside to collect the flakes. When full, stir in sugar and vanilla to taste, then stir in just enough milk for the desired consistency. Serve at once.

Hmmm, maybe it wasn't the snow...maybe it was the vanilla.  LOL  Hope you had a good memory to pull up!


Lori E said…
I think I will stick with the Hagen Daas version thanks.
FranE said…
Lori, I bet Hagen Daas would be tastier. But then I LOVE chocolate!